

  • 1994


    I was born in 1994 in The Netherlands.
  • 2012

    My First Job

    I landed one of my first side jobs working as a sales representative at an Apple reseller store. It was like a boys dream come true!
  • 2013

    My First Hustle

    By the time I left high-school, I had my first shot at this thing called entrepreneurship. I started a small side hustle helping elderly people learn how to use the iPad – which was a big thing at the time.
  • 2014

    Started Studying

    I studied Liberal Arts & Sciences at Tilburg University.
  • 2015

    πŸŽ‰ Started Cloudrocket

    While still studying, I started my first serious business: Cloudrocket. A digital agency in which I worked with outsourced software engineers to build projects for notable clients like Gemeente Rotterdam, Politie Nederland and many startups.
  • 2017

    Joined Sendcloud

    A startup in Eindhoven, where I built software with an amazingly talented bunch of people – and where I made many friends along the way.
  • 2018

    πŸ’ Got Married

    Married my long time high-school love, at a magically beautiful beach hotel in Marbella, Spain.
  • Started Handoff

    Co-founded Handoff, a browser-based design tool that would allow you to design and export to code.
  • 2019

    Travelled The World

    Embarked on a world trip taking us from Greece all the way to Malaysia.
  • 2020

    Joined DPG Media

    At the largest media publisher in the Netherlands, I joined the team who are responsible for maintaining their largest online sales channel for news subscriptions.
  • 2021

    Became Dad

    Of our son NaΓ«l, my lovely little friend. πŸ‘ͺ
  • Travelled The World (again)

    Travelled the world again, this time a short 6-week trip from Greece to Jordan, Dubai and Uzbekistan.
  • 2023

    Bought First Property

    A plot of land on which we'll be constructing our own house!